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The Loveland Robotics Program exists to give students the opportunity to learn about science, technology, engineering, mathematics, communication, leadership and project management.

This is our eighth year for Loveland Robotics. For the previous seven years we grew a very successful FTC Team (5040) “Nuts & Bolts”. In 2015, with the popularity of the robotics program having immensely grown at Loveland, we created a second FTC Team (10464) “The Bionic Tigers”. Each team consists of 13 members, with roles ranging from building the robot, programming it, and communications and outreach. This year has been the most successful year for the robotics program so far. Each team qualified for the Ohio FTC State Championship and achieved many awards.

We also have a VEX robotics program, Team 10565. It consisted of four members originally and has since grown exponentially, allowing for four more VEX teams to be created, 10565 A, B, C, D, and E.

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