Loveland, Ohio – Shane Harden a Co-lead Pastor of Branches Church in Miami Township said, “After being inspired by Desmond Gault leading our community in the seven days of prayer walking last week, we wanted to continue to bring our community together to pray.”

Shane Harden is a Co-lead Pastor of Branches Church in Miami Township (Provided Photo)

The church will be walking from Kiwanis Park across the bridge into Nisbet Park to pray.

Harden said, “We will be doing some corporate praying together. Some Scripture will be read and we will each be given the opportunity to sign a large canvas committing to pray for Loveland.”

It doesn’t matter your background or what church you go to or even if you don’t go to church. We are responding to scriptures from the Bible that invite us to pray. We’ll be praying for a lot of things…like for the Floyd family, for peace in Minneapolis and around the country, and for justice. ·​ pray for those in our own community ·​ ​pray for law enforcement officers in our community, and in general, for courage and restraint. ·​ ​ pray for our society’s divisions to be healed. ·​ ​ pray that our government would have wisdom to balance and answer the competing claims of justice, and freedom of speech.

Community Prayer Event

Wednesday evening, June 17th

Park in Kiwanis Park off of Wall Street at 7:30 PM

Walk together across the bridge to Nesbit Park Amphitheater
Gathering from 8-8:30 PM.

Harden said that they will be praying in Nesbit park for “God’s plan versus ours, our role for unity in our community, and inviting others to go on this journey.”

He also invites residents to join their community fast on Wednesday for our city.