This story was updated at 8:19 AM 11-14-21 to reflect that Neal Oury (not Ted Phelps) was not reelected.)

Loveland, Ohio – Resident Tom Scovanner went to the council meeting on Tuesday, November 9, and talked about the conclusions he reached after researching and analyzing the results of the recent City Council election. He began by thanking all those who ran and thanked the two current members who will not return for another term; Vice-Mayor Rob Weisgerber who chose not to run again, and Neal Oury who did not receive enough votes. He thanked Oury and Weisgerber for their service.

After studying the election results, Scovanner shared his interpretation and analysis. He said that the number of “under-votes” showed that residents did not like what they were voting for. “It’s the only conclusion you can make,” he said.

Scovanner said that Loveland voters want independent thinkers, not one size fits all candidates. He said they rejected “block” voting. He said the result of the recent election was a vote of no confidence in the current makeup of the City Council and how it is being led.

He also spoke about analyzing the campaign literature the candidates passed out to the voters.

The message of voters according to Tom Scovanner: