COVID Health Guidelines Update Summary

 (effective 1/28/22, updated 5/9/22, 8/1/22, 8/14/22)

Background:  On 8/12/22 new guidance for school came out from both the CDC and ODH (ODH memo 8/12/22 updated COVID guidance.  Here is the information that will help you here in LCSD:

  1. Positive cases
  • 5+5 (5 days of isolation followed by 5 days of masking) plan as outlined by CDC/ ODH (Ohio Dept of Health). This is calculated from the first day of symptoms or positive test which is considered day 0.  If a student is not ready to come back after 5 days (your child needs to be fever free for 24 hours without fever-reducing medications and symptoms improving), parents would call to tell attendance daily if their child is not ready to return.  These are considered non-absence days
  • Masking is not optional.  If you have been positive, you will need to mask for 5 days after being in isolation for 5 days.
  • There are no online learning links available.
  • Extracurriculars-  able to participate as long as able to mask.  Removing mask is not an option
  • District nurses (DN) make the follow up phone calls to parents once we are notified of a positive case.
  1. Close contacts/ exposures
  • Quarantine is no longer recommended for people who are exposed to COVID-19 except in certain high-risk congregate settings (not schools).  Instead of quarantining if you were exposed to COVID 19, it  is recommended that you wear a high quality mask for 10 days and get tested on day 5. For extracurriculars, they can mask as able to.
  • If your child has symptoms or develops symptoms, parents should keep them home and connect with their healthcare provider for further guidance and/ or covid testing. Testing on the same day as symptoms is now recommended.
  •  Parents should tell the attendance person the absence is covid related.
  1. If a student has a pending test and they have symptoms, we support keeping their child home until test results. If asymptomatic, they can be at school masked during that time
  2. We will no longer be monitoring vaccination status
  3. These days are excused absences, but we will continue to monitor

   3 . Testing

  • Any testing except antibody testing is acceptable.
  • Recommend testing day five per HCPH guidelines for exposures, but not required

4.  Vaccines

  • We encourage everyone to talk to their health care provider for themselves and their children regarding getting vaccinated for COVID.  It is the best way to address COVID going forward.  Students over 5 are now eligible for the first booster vaccine

LCSD will continue to focus on “The Bundle”-  handwashing, cleaning, distancing as needed/ able to, and masking when appropriate/ optional choice.  Our entire staff is committed to keeping our students safe and healthy.  We need your support by you doing the wellness checks daily with your child(ren) and keeping them home if they are sick.   Thanks for partnering with us- we can do anything together!!

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